Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Today my "little" brother turns 31:

Hey! 31 on the 31st! You're old now, guy.
In other news, I've made it to Munich. (Will definately look up the Andech brewery, since 3 of you have recommended it now.) Stuttgart went really well. I saw the Steinheim skull, which was totally cool :) The curator of the museum was super nice, but surprised to find out that I was a girl! I'm finding this with the French curators too; they all address me as "Monsieur" in their emails. What's the polite way to point out that I'm a girl? (I've even tried signing my emails as "Mme. Jodi Blumenfeld." It doesn't work.) Maybe I should just enjoy their surprise when they meet me in person.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Jodi said...

Happy birthday, Ernesto!!! Sending you electronic hugs: OOOO

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great birthday greting to your bother!!
What is this compulsion with beer that I am seeing in all these posts??????
Anyway enjoy's funny don't look like a boy.
Love xoxo

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

M: Trying hard to get Zen with it, but it might take a few more days. I may not be camera-less for much longer (something's in the works...will let you know the details soon.) Miss you too. In fact, the guy in Amsterdam who sold me my herring sandwich lectured me on how I need to get my butt out East ASAP. He was a big fan of NS. Email me with details of how you, Q, Wendy & Rolf are doing.

G: I think it's a name thing. From what I gather, "Jodi" is assumed to be more of a boy's name over here (or they can't tell, so they just guess "male".)

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Jodi's brother Aaron. Nice kitchen-ware!

I like Greg's suggestion. In fact, I think I will stock up on copies of The Feminine Mystique. Another good one would be A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf (sorry, don't know fancy html links).

When I TA'ed 102, several students wrote their article review about a paper that had been published by a female scientist. The students often referred to the author as "he," even though the author's first name was clearly given as "Laurie." I tirelessly worked all semester to get them to stop saying things like "the evolution of man" or "when Homo left Africa, he was bipedal." No dice. My only outlet for these frustrations has been to slowly work on a feminist manifesto that, all things considered, is probably only preaching to the choir.

Keep up the good work, Madamoiselle.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

My other brother, David, was actually in that photo with Aaron, but, since it wasn't his birthday, I cut him out of it (nothing personal, D). Both of them have gotten married in the last couple of years, and so they were comparing & discussing the finer points of their respective cookware collections (wedding presents, I guess.) My brothers are very "metro."

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Jodi said...

Thanks Frida!!! I kept meaning to email you guys & ask you to do that.

It was the heat that brought the beans to life!

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Happy Bithhday Aaronnnnn!!!!
Who is Aaron?
Saludos, Bernardo El Oso


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