Thursday, March 23, 2006

On Tuesday I went to the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique in Brussels to see the 2 Spy Neandertal crania. It was totally cool; these were the first real Neandertal remains that I have seen & held with my own hands. I took tons of pictures, probably far more than I'll really need, but that's ok :) I can't post photos of the fossils online, so here's a picture of a statue of a dinosaur outside the main entrance to the museum:

After I shapecammed the skulls it was lunchtime, so we ate cheese & chocolate, and drank some wine, because, hey -- we're in Europe & that's what we do. I tried my best to understand & participate in the conversation. I kinda caught every third word & got the general gist of what was being said, but my French really sucks. So I just spoke English with a French accent.

Since I didn't need a second day at the museum, I took the train up to Amsterdam yesterday. I walked around, saw the Anne Frank House, the Van Gogh museum, etc. I even ate a herring sandwich. One day wasn't enough & I hope to go back again someday.

Here's a crooked canal house and some tulips:


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Jodi, Please do not forget to visit the "pissing kid" in Brussel jeje, Abrazos and good luck, El Oso

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie...Cheese, wine, chocolate, herring....a well balanced diet. Where's the beef? Glad to hear all is going well and you're seeing lots of the country. Just think...springtime in Paris. You have that to look forward to. Raise a glass of wine to me. Love XOXO (>:

At 8:41 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Hooray for shapecamming your first real Neandertal skull. How cool is that. Have fun in Paris this weekend (is it this weekend you are going?). Go see and do everything. And take lots of pictures!!

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

Hola El Oso! So you are still alive, I see? Good. I hope your fieldwork is going well!

Springtime in Paris? Not so pretty. It's rainy, gray & cold here today. Getting everything on the train was a bit of an ordeal, but I made it. My feet are starting to protest the beating they're getting, and starting to sprout blisters. (I know, I'm in Paris & I'm complaining. I'll shut up.)

So sorry Fridaboo, I read your message after leaving Amsterdam, so I couldn't get you a postcard :(

Chau cebollas

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you ARE the coolest...don't wash your hand after you touch the fossils so that we can all touch your hand and live vicariously through you.
Are you eating lots of Nutella? Mmmm, Nutella.


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