San Jeronimo en su Estudio (16th century), Catedral de Burgos, Spain.
And a HUGE congratulations to Melissa, who not only passed her prelims yesterday with flying colours, but also did her very first-ever keg-stand at the party later that night! Yay Melissa!!!
Congratulations, Melissa. On both amazing feats, but especially on the kegstand.
So I was standing there, having a nice conversation with some of the party guests and S.L. announces that in order to officially pass into ABD status, I must do a keg stand. Before I could get away, Greg and my friend John swooped in, turned me upside down, and Negro stuck the beer tube thingie in my face. Actually, he stuck it up my nose because he was distracted by all the flashing cameras. Beer up the nose is not really where you want it.
Aside from that instance, it was a really nice party. And after 4 years, I finally got 2-- count them-- TWO hugs from S.L. I was sooooo sad that Bugaboo wasn't there to share this momentous occasion with me. In fact the instant we got home (about 3am), I sent her a drunk email sharing the news of the long-awaited hugs.
Miss you Jodi!!! I love the pic of the guy pondering the skull. I think we should do some photoshop and super-impose your face on his. It could be the cover of "Bugaboo: The Novel."
Oh wow. Wish I could've been there for that! I'll have to wait for the photos.
I guess I was never officially awarded ABD status bc I never did a keg-stand. Uh oh...
Fridita, I'll be back on May 10th. I'd have to check my ticket to see exactly what time, but if it's early enough, I think an Embassy night is in order!
tj -- we were posting comments at the exact same time! it's almost like you're here with me :)
Isn't it great? I need to find a good print of it & get it framed or something.
It is freezing here in Burgos!!
g, it wasn't blood sausage, it was just blood. You should ask Martin to tell you what he said to me yesterday about bringing home some morcilla.
Congratulations Melissa, ABD! Great job!
Hmmm, I never got a) a hug or b) a kegstand. Oh well, you deserve them both!
Jer, oh well Jer, maybe someday you will switch back. It's really not so hard, and it's good for your karma! :)
My bunny is sick right now, please everyone send good wishes Ebbot's way, thanks!
damn you negro, DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HA! Oh wow, that's fantastic!! Gracias Negro! Now this is why we made the blog!!
(Her head looks like it's just about to explode.)
Get well soon Ebbot!!!
After 2 months of trekking that equipment around, I don't know if you're the guy behind the desk, or the skull !
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